What is the Deal with Ballet Barre Fitness?

You may have seen ballet barre fitness studios pop up in your city or classes offered at your local gym. But the name can be intimidating to some who assume it has...

What is the Deal with Ballet Barre Fitness?

You may have seen ballet barre fitness studios pop up in your city or classes offered at your local gym. But the name can be intimidating to some who assume it has to do with dance. People with no dance experience might be hesitant to try a barre fitness class thinking there will be dancing involved. However, barre fitness has very little to do with dance, but rather is inspired by the strength that dancers have. So here is a breakdown of a typical barre fitness class for those who have thought barre was not for them.


Barre fitness is a combination of Pilates, yoga, and ballet barre. Fitness enthusiasts and dancers have been using many of these techniques for decades, like the Lotte Berk Method which was very popular in New York. Barre fitness has brought these techniques back to the mainstream because of how effective they are in muscle toning and strength building. But barre is also loved by so many because it is low-impact and great for those recovering from an injury, pregnant women, and seniors. That's not to say that it isn't a totally kick-butt workout. The variety of modifications offered make it so that someone taking a class can make it as easy or difficult as desired.

A Typical Class

A typical class is about 50-60 minutes long and split into sections to work on each area of the body. Generally a class starts with arms using light hand weights, then transitions to legs, and ends with ab work. Also throughout the class, participants transition from standing to working at the barre and then down to a mat. Dance experience is not necessary, nor does it help the participant get a better workout than those without dance experience.

At-Home Options

If you want to try barre at home, there are lots of YouTube videos, DVDs, and online subscriptions you can look into. Also, a portable ballet barre from Boss Ballet Barres will help. For more information on getting a portable ballet barre for your home, contact us today.

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